Hi there! We are Marina Barchilon and Jorge Morales, a creative duo just starting our journey in the exciting world of advertising. I'm Marina, handling Art Direction, while Jorge specializes in Copywriting.

We met in a Creative Direction in Advertising course,InsideAdSchool, and from the very first projects we worked on together, we realized we had a special creative connection. Our enthusiasm for advertising drives us to constantly learn and grow, and we are excited about the opportunities the future holds.
In this portfolio, you'll find some of our early works, reflecting our passion, creativity, and eagerness to innovate. Each project has been a learning adventure where we've combined our skills to create fresh and effective campaigns.
We are aware that we are at the beginning of our journey, but that only fuels our energy and determination to keep improving and find our place in this industry. We believe that with every challenge comes a learning opportunity, and we are eager to face them all.
Thank you for taking the time to view our work. We hope you enjoy exploring it as much as we enjoyed creating it!
About our education
Inside Ad School

Our educational approach acts as a driver for anyone with a creative mind working in the industry or aspiring to make advertising their future career.
Inside! AdSchool is not limited to simply being an educational institution, but represents a network of people seeking to innovate in their approach.
Our training includes specialized workshops in creative writing, art direction, strategy, artificial intelligence, creative processes, festivals, social media, storytelling, creative data, brand experience...

Marina Barchilón

I am Marina, a graphic designer of Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA-FADU), Argentina. I am passionate about working on new projects, exploring innovative visual languages, and continuing my professional development. Currently, I am specializing in art direction and creative direction in advertising.

As an entrepreneur, I have founded a design brand where I can apply and experiment with various techniques and artisanal processes. My interest in tarot allows me to approach design from a unique perspective, understanding communication and imagery as channels through which qualities and deep meanings manifest.

I enjoy working remotely, which allows me to collaborate with teams and clients from different parts of the world, maintaining high productivity and creativity. I love the versatility and creativity that my profession allows me to explore, and I am always seeking new opportunities to grow and learn in the field of design.

If you would like to create a project together or work with me, please feel free to reach out!

Jorge Morales

Editor and journalist of the Pontifical Catholic University. Passionate about
creative writing, storytelling and new media. Photographer.

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